As a graduate of Saint Andrews school, I am well acquainted with special elements of our accredited educational program.  Recognizing that children at the Ranch are unique, not only in ability but also in achievement, allows us to test them extensively, often in ways they have never been tested before.  Ability test results are supposed to be fairly fixed, but over the last three decades, we have found that many of our students experience a significant increase in their tested abilities after being at the Ranch for a year.  Satan is an author of confusion, but he is also able to use fear and discouragement to cause children to stop seeing their God-given abilities.  

After healing in a safe environment, the students experience fearfully and wonderfully made minds that are capable of doing more than they imagined.  With a new understanding of not only what they are interested in, but also where God has given them the ability to succeed, students at the Ranch are able to find paths to pursue that reward curiosity with the deep joy of discovery.  Caring teachers are there to celebrate each milestone, and to work patiently over each hurdle.  When you see the excellent essays they write, the science projects they devise, or the plays they act in, you get a glimpse into something that is happening that is beautiful and life-giving.  

Yet even more than academic accolades, the school seeks to point each student toward the Creator who loves them and who made them for His purpose, that they might use their minds for His honor and glory.  It is a blessing to see that happening again and again in powerful ways through the Godly teachers and leaders inside Saint Andrews School.

With gratitude,

Clayton Wood

Chief Executive Officer