There are a lot of scary things going on right now in the world. What should we be afraid of? To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage means that instead of obeying fear, we will live by faith. There will be times in our lives where all we have to go on is God's word. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you will go through some horrifying things. If you don't follow Jesus, you should be terrified, for there is no hope for you. Are you ready to meet Jesus?
We stand firm in the Lord by realizing that God is in control and He will take care of us. Our confidence needs to be in the Lord alone. While we are living this life, we need to cast off anything that does not follow God's plan. The Bible does not say, do not feel anxious, it says, do not be anxious. Likewise, the Bible does not say, do not feel fear, it says, do not be afraid. We can always find a reason to rejoice. If people imitate us, what will they be doing? We need to imitate the good things that we see others doing.
Unseen realities are throughout the old and new testaments. There are unseen forces that are very real and powerful. They are at war with the people of God. Even so, their doom is sure, and one day they will be defeated forever. God is greater than any person, and God is still on the throne. There is nothing that God does not know about, He knows our motives, and He knows the future. Sin is insanity. God is the Creator of life. If we are trusting in God, we do not need to be afraid. God may not do what we want, but he always does what is best. We all were by nature enemies of God. He has chosen to love and bless us, His enemies. There is so much going on that we cannot see. We need to love, trust, and obey God.
God is the creator and the only way that we can approach God is based on the sacrifice that Jesus made. Jesus paid our debt in full so that we could enter into a relationship with God. Because Jesus is alive, He is able to hold His Priesthood completely. We have a High Priest who ever lives to intercede for us to the Father. Jesus is alive and He lives forever!
In this passage, Jacob is an old man and he made a difficult journey because of the famine. God knew the famine would be severe and He was not surprised. God knows everything. Not everything that happens to us is good, but everything is used for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Jacob had to go to Egypt because he was out of food. It is not wrong to cry/weep. It is not okay to cry because of whining, tantrums, etc. Every year we live seems shorter and we need to make the most of our days. Just because life can be difficult, we are not to give up.
Israel's offspring did not know how long the famine would last, yet he did not want to let Benjamin go to Egypt. When we have guilty consciences, all kinds of fear can take root in our lives. Fear is often rooted in guilt. We are told, by God, to not be afraid. When God works through people, it is still supernatural. We need to thank God for whatever we have. All that we own and are comes from Him. In Christ, there is no racism, in Him, we need to love one another. God knows everything and God is in control.
Abraham had great regard for Ishmael and Isaac. God is the One who makes nations. We accomplish anything of significance, we must give God the praise. All that we have and all that we can do belongs to God. We must always wait on the Lord. God hears us even when our cries are muffled. God does see and care for us. We are not to be afraid for God hears us. God knows what He is doing and He opens our eyes we need it. The blessings on Abraham were so clear that it made other people nervous. Sometimes God's blessings on us are so evident that it makes other people nervous. Abraham desired to have separate places set apart for worshiping God.

Wears Valley Ranch Christian Children’s Home and Boarding School Overview

Wears Valley Ranch provides Christian children's homes, a Christian boarding school, and Biblical counseling to children in crisis situations. Our vision is to see each child inspired to follow Christ, healed from the past, and equipped to reach their full potential.
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