When I first began to fall in love with my wife, I asked her what she planned to do after college. She told me that she was planning to go to the foreign mission field. I was very disappointed because I had already asked the Lord whether or not I was supposed to serve on the foreign mission field, and I believed He had told me that my ministry would be based in the US. I knew I would be here and if Susan was going to be over there, it would be difficult to develop a long-term relationship.

Hoping that perhaps she wasn’t certain of God’s call, I asked, “Do you know where?” When she named a specific place, I thought the relationship couldn’t progress.

On a subsequent occasion, I asked, “How long have you felt called to the foreign mission field?”

She said, “I’ve never felt called to the foreign mission field.”

Her answer surprised me. “But you even told me where you’re going overseas when you finish college.”

She said, “I am going.”

I asked, “Why would you go if you don’t feel called?”

She said, “Jesus said, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel.’ So, unless the Lord shows me otherwise, I’m going where the need seems greatest.”

Suddenly, there was a glimmer of hope for me. She said she had picked the place to serve because she felt that was where the need was greatest at the time. She understood that she didn’t need a special revelation from God in order to be of service. God says, “Go,” so she was going. She was ready to obey.

Later I asked Susan, “Have you ever felt called by God to do something in particular with your life?”

She answered, “Oh yes. For several years I’ve felt that someday God wants me to have a home for children from difficult situations.”

I said, “Really? I can relate to that. In fact, you might enjoy reading the paper I wrote my freshman year in college about the home for children I believe God wants me to have someday.”

She said, “I’d like that. And, maybe you’d like to read the paper I wrote my freshman year in college about the home I believe God wants me to have someday.”

It became clear that God had brought us together, and we married the following summer. God has a plan for your life and mine, but He blesses us as we learn to trust Him and obey. Prayer is never a substitute for obedience. God warns that if we refuse to listen to His words, He will not listen to our prayers. Proverbs 28:9 says that such prayers are detestable.

If someone came to me and asked if they could do something for me, I might ask them to get a glass of water for me. If they responded with enthusiasm but never went to get the water, they would be of no service to me. Yet, this is often what we do to God. We beg Him to show us what He desires, we speak of our love for Him, but we don’t do what He asks of us.

God is calling us to draw close to Him. I don’t want to miss what God wants to do in my life. I don’t want you to miss what He wants to do in your life. We need to learn to pray. We need to learn to listen to God as we pray. We need to do what God says.

We need to remember that our prayers will be no good if our other relationships are broken. Our prayers will be no good if they are just for show. Our prayers will be no good if we are clinging to our own self-righteousness. Our prayers will be no good if we insist on holding on to a cherished sin in our life. Our prayers will be no good if we continue to refuse to obey. Prayer is not a substitute for obedience. God is calling us to obedience. Will you obey Him?

Resource: Embracing His Will, The Life of Prayer-Book 3