From our Founder, Jim Wood:

Dear Friends,

This month our staff and students will join in celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday. This national tradition has roots that go deep. George Washington declared the first in 1789. Lincoln issued a proclamation in 1863 at a time when the nation was torn apart by war. The tradition harkens back to the Pilgrims who in 1621 held a three-day celebration, giving thanks for a good harvest and for the fact that half of them had survived the first winter in the New World. The fifty-three survivors gave thanks to God and to the ninety Wampanoags who helped them to survive.

Giving thanks is not limited to easy times. Right now the world is being torn apart by violence. Here in our country many families are finding their savings shrinking and their expenses continuing to rise. We have seen the impact at the Ranch. We are praying that God will continue to meet the needs. We know that He is able and faithful.

We thank God for a wonderful group of students who are grateful to be here. We have children who are thrilled to know that there will be food each day. That is a dramatic change for some. We thank God for a wonderful team of staff who are joyfully investing their lives in the children and seeing hope replace despair and faith overcome doubt. We thank God for children who have professed faith in Jesus and are showing that their lives are being changed.

We thank God for you who pray for us and give, as you can, to make this work possible. None of us can give what we don’t have, but if everyone gives what we can, it will make a tremendous difference.

When Elisha was confronted with a need by an impoverished widow, he asked, “What do you have in your house?” She replied, “Your servant has nothing… except a little oil.”  God multiplied what she had to the extent of her obedience – 2 Kings 4:1-7.

When Jesus was facing a huge crowd that was hungry, he asked his disciples, “How many loaves do you have? Go and see.” – Mark 6:38.

God wants us to see the miracle of His provision in the context of our yielding what we do have to Him. I am asking that you prayerfully consider what you do have and how it can make a difference. By God’s grace our combined gifts can meet the need. We need a tremendous yearend. Please pray and give generously.

With thanksgiving,