Wood Shavings: from our January/February 2018 Newsletter

Beautiful snow preceded ice and bitter winds with water pipes bursting. en we enjoyed a sudden swing to mild and sunny days which was followed by another snap of winter cold. is time of year the unpredictable weather keeps us on our toes. e nature of this ministry keeps us on our knees. We are so thankful that God never changes! He is always perfect in every way!

Looking at the pictures in this newsletter you might get the impression that all

these children are precious and wonderful. They are! Some of them can be di cult at times but if you get to know them they will grab your heart. Watching their lives change as they grow in the ability to trust God is thrilling. My wonderful wife asked me last week, “Are there any children

here right now that you don’t believe should stay. I thought through the list of each child in each home. I was glad to answer honestly, “I believe they all need to be here right now.”

For obvious reasons we are not at liberty to tell the personal stories of children who are in our care. Some of them have dedicated parents who are simply trying to provide the best environment for their child by send- ing them to school here. All of them have circumstances in their lives that make the Ranch the best option.

Your prayers and generosity make this place a haven of new beginnings. During the Christmas holidays we had the opportunity to see former students and sta who shared their stories of how God met them here and transformed their lives. They learned to trust His wisdom and His love. They learned to depend on His provision, on His grace. That is what it is all about! Thank you for being a part of the miracle!

If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter, please register here. You will begin receiving our newsletter every other month, and a letter from us in November and December.