Is Jesus Christ the Lord and Master of your life? Everyone, everywhere, has a since of right and wrong. Everyone has failed to live up to God's standard. If we are in Christ, it is our responsibility to warn people of God's wrath.
If we are in Christ, we do not have to be afraid, even in a dungeon. Joseph's master Potiphar could have had Joseph killed, but instead, he had Joseph thrown in a dungeon. There are times when we will pray and God will not answer the way we would like. We might be tempted to think that God is against us, but that is not how we should think. Some people only study the Scriptures so that they can try and manipulate God to get what they want. Instead, we need to pray to God, let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done. There is never a panic in Heaven. If we love God, all will go well. If we know God, whatever is happening is within His sovereign control. God has all power.
In this story, we see that the people did things that were very superstitious. We have been taught a lot of things that are not correct. The whole idea of bad luck was developed by people who do not know God or who did not love God. God is in charge of the Universe and only He made and it. God is the one who brings life and He alone can bring salvation. We all have physical problems because we are living in a world that is under a curse. If we are in Christ, we will gain a new body with no physical defects that will live forever. God knew what He was doing when he made us. He designed us with a purpose and a plan. We should not attempt to manipulate our situations and make silly plans when God has already promised us and told us what to do. Sin is not okay, even though God uses the sin that we do to accomplish His will. God is the author of life and is in charge of everything.

Wears Valley Ranch Christian Children’s Home and Boarding School Overview

Wears Valley Ranch provides Christian children's homes, a Christian boarding school, and Biblical counseling to children in crisis situations. Our vision is to see each child inspired to follow Christ, healed from the past, and equipped to reach their full potential.
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