Is Jesus Christ the Lord and Master of your life? Everyone, everywhere, has a since of right and wrong. Everyone has failed to live up to God's standard. If we are in Christ, it is our responsibility to warn people of God's wrath.
In this passage, Jacob is an old man and he made a difficult journey because of the famine. God knew the famine would be severe and He was not surprised. God knows everything. Not everything that happens to us is good, but everything is used for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Jacob had to go to Egypt because he was out of food. It is not wrong to cry/weep. It is not okay to cry because of whining, tantrums, etc. Every year we live seems shorter and we need to make the most of our days. Just because life can be difficult, we are not to give up.
God declared to Jacob to get up and go to Bethel. Doing what God says is always a good plan. We need to do what God says; we are to obey Him. His word tells what we are to do. Sometimes our clothing sends a message to our attitude. When we go to meet with God, we need to give it some thought. Instead of destroying the idols, Jacob hides them under an oak tree. In the midst of Jacob's grief over the loss of Rachel he still had a promise from God. Isaac's eyesight was failing when he was around 60 years old. He spent approximately 120 years just laying around waiting in bed. We should not make Isaac's mistake in is old age and give up. We instead need to cling to God's promises when things are down.
Abraham had great regard for Ishmael and Isaac. God is the One who makes nations. We accomplish anything of significance, we must give God the praise. All that we have and all that we can do belongs to God. We must always wait on the Lord. God hears us even when our cries are muffled. God does see and care for us. We are not to be afraid for God hears us. God knows what He is doing and He opens our eyes we need it. The blessings on Abraham were so clear that it made other people nervous. Sometimes God's blessings on us are so evident that it makes other people nervous. Abraham desired to have separate places set apart for worshiping God.

Wears Valley Ranch Christian Children’s Home and Boarding School Overview

Wears Valley Ranch provides Christian children's homes, a Christian boarding school, and Biblical counseling to children in crisis situations. Our vision is to see each child inspired to follow Christ, healed from the past, and equipped to reach their full potential.
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