Israel's offspring did not know how long the famine would last, yet he did not want to let Benjamin go to Egypt. When we have guilty consciences, all kinds of fear can take root in our lives. Fear is often rooted in guilt. We are told, by God, to not be afraid. When God works through people, it is still supernatural. We need to thank God for whatever we have. All that we own and are comes from Him. In Christ, there is no racism, in Him, we need to love one another. God knows everything and God is in control.
If we are in Christ, we do not have to be afraid, even in a dungeon. Joseph's master Potiphar could have had Joseph killed, but instead, he had Joseph thrown in a dungeon. There are times when we will pray and God will not answer the way we would like. We might be tempted to think that God is against us, but that is not how we should think. Some people only study the Scriptures so that they can try and manipulate God to get what they want. Instead, we need to pray to God, let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done. There is never a panic in Heaven. If we love God, all will go well. If we know God, whatever is happening is within His sovereign control. God has all power.

Wears Valley Ranch Christian Children’s Home and Boarding School Overview

Wears Valley Ranch provides Christian children's homes, a Christian boarding school, and Biblical counseling to children in crisis situations. Our vision is to see each child inspired to follow Christ, healed from the past, and equipped to reach their full potential.
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