God told Abraham to take his son Isaac to a particular place. This was not just any mountain but one of great significance. It is not our job to make things happen. Our job is not to step in and make things happen. The will of God for our lives is to believe and obey Jesus. It is very important to know and listen to God's voice. If we are in Christ we are His dearly loved children. God's intention for us today is a deeper walk with God than even Abraham had. God's plan will include things we did not choose and exclude things that we would have chosen. His ways are greater than our ways. We need to obey.

Wears Valley Ranch Christian Children’s Home and Boarding School Overview

Wears Valley Ranch provides Christian children's homes, a Christian boarding school, and Biblical counseling to children in crisis situations. Our vision is to see each child inspired to follow Christ, healed from the past, and equipped to reach their full potential.
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