A note from our Executive Director:

Some dear friends asked me to help them respond to a question that came up in their “community group” at their church. I hope you will find my response helpful for your own Bible study this week.

Hello Jim,
A subject came up in our community group and I need your thoughts….
Are any JEWS saved without accepting JESUS as their SAVIOR?
What about Moses and Abraham?

I am so glad to be asked. There is nothing I would rather talk about! Please read the passages listed below. There are many more that we could look at but I hope you will find these sufficient to clearly address the subject.

Abraham, Moses, David and Isaiah were all looking forward to God’s promised Messiah. This was not just true for Jews in the Old Testament. What about Rahab, the Gentile prostitute from Jericho? She trusted God and became part of the Jewish family. In fact, she became part of the royal ancestry of David and therefore of Jesus.

All those who were saved under the Old Covenant, before the Son of God was born of woman, were still saved by Jesus. When Jesus came, the New Covenant was put in place and now there is no excuse for not believing in Him. Read Acts 17:30 & 31; Luke 7:28; Romans 3:19-30; Romans 9:6-8; Romans 10:8-21; Romans 11:1-8 & 25-27;  and John 14:6.

So “all Israel will be saved,” (Romans 11:26) BUT, “not all who are descended from Israel are Israel!” (Romans 9:6 & 7).

God’s promises regarding our salvation began in the Garden, when God made them coverings of animal skins (thus God provided the first blood sacrifice) and spoke to the fact that the Seed of the woman would crush the serpent’s head. Later, Abel followed God’s plan, offering animal sacrifice which God accepted. Cain’s sacrifice of produce was rejected and so, in jealousy, he killed his brother. The whole Old Testament sacrificial system pointed to Jesus. The faithful Jews did not understand it clearly, but they acknowledged their guilt and followed (imperfectly) God’s commands. They were not saved on the basis of their behavior but on the basis of their faith.

They did not know when or how Messiah would save. Jesus’ disciples didn’t even understand when He explained it. They only began to understand after He died and rose again (Luke 24:25-27 and verses 44-47).

So whether OT or NT, Jesus is the only way to be saved. OT saints did not have the same relationship with the Holy Spirit that believers now enjoy. But since the cross, only those Jews (and Gentiles) who trust in Jesus will be saved Acts 3:17-4:12.

I hope you find this helpful.
