Selecting the first governing board for the Ranch was important. Pastor Wood prayed for wisdom in selecting people who were committed to the Lord Jesus Christ, but also committed to a local church body. It was important that people invited to serve on the board be people who had demonstrated their commitment to whatever local body of believers they were a part of. Pastor Wood felt the Lord leading him to select a new member of the church he pastored in Atlanta. After seeking the Lord for wisdom and direction about this specific person, Pastor Wood received word that there had been an extraordinary gift to the church that morning. It turned out that as Pastor Wood was praying for direction, the Lord was working in the heart of David Pattillo. Once again, God prompted His people, they responded, and prayers were answered. If you have supported Wears Valley Ranch in the past as a result of obedience to the Holy Spirit, thank you!

This, and other stories about the founding of Wears Valley Ranch may be found in A Place to call HOME, by Susan Wood.