What Does God Say About Who I Am? 

-from Three Questions by Jim Wood

Have you ever heard someone say, “Well, I don’t pretend to be a saint?”

I don’t pretend to be a saint either. I am one.

I don’t pretend to be a man. I am one.

I don’t pretend to be married. I am married.

I am a saint.

I am holy.

So are you, if you are a follower of Jesus Christ. You shouldn’t pretend anything, but if you’re a follower of Jesus, you are a saint.

“I thought you had to die and work miracles from the grave to be a saint.”

Nope, that’s not in the Scriptures. What does the book say? What does God tell us in his Word?

Among other things, God’s children are told that we are saints. We are holy, set apart. We belong to God in Christ Jesus. He purchased us. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We, his children, are God’s building. We are living stones being fitted together to provide a beautiful habitation for a Holy God. We, the church, are the bride of Christ. (1 Peter 2:9)

Do you ever feel like, “God couldn’t possibly love me”?

Christian, he loves you. He really, really loves you, even though you don’t deserve his love. He loves you anyway.

I am amazed that God loves me, and God is the only one who knows everything about me. He knows me “better than my mama knows me.” He knows me better than I know myself. He knows everything about me; yet, he loves me.

Because God loves me, I can handle the rejection of others. If God accepts me in Christ Jesus, then I am truly accepted. God truly knows me, and God truly loves me.

I (Jesus) am the vine; you are the branches. John 15:5

We are his [God’s] people, the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:3b

You are a holy person, if you belong to Jesus. God has gifted you. You have something to contribute to others.