For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, as I am fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12

In 2002, God brought three of our children, Stephen, Elizabeth, and Peter, into our family through adoption. During this time, God began bringing home to me His love for me. I began to understand in a fresh way that I have a new dad. I began to understand my position in the family and gained a new perspective on my relationship with others; I’m part of a new family. I’ll spend eternity meeting new brothers and sisters.

It deeply touched our third son Andrew’s heart when Elizabeth came running up behind him with her bag as he walked to the car with his new siblings after they arrived at the airport. Andrew thought she wanted to hand him her bag, but she really wanted to hold his hand. We have a new relationship with one another in the body of Christ, and it’s because we are brothers and sisters.

I have a new perspective on where I belong. I have a new home. When our children arrived at their new home in Tennessee, it was difficult for them to grasp that the whole building on the mountainside is our house, because it’s a big house. The entire house is for both our family and our guests, but this is our home. No other place is.

We go places, we travel, we do things, we have friends, we stay in some very nice places on vacation because people offer their vacation homes, and it’s all very nice. Yet, there really is no place like home. Only home is home.

God has made us part of His family, and we now have His name. He has given us His name. It’s our name. It’s our family name. He’s our Father; the amazing power of that relationship. He has named us and made us His own.

The time we have here on earth is miniscule compared to the eternity that we will enjoy in our Father’s house. When we feel displaced or unsettled it is because we aren’t home yet. Everything in this brief life is preparation for the day when we will see our father face to face and hear Him say, “Welcome Home.”

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